The Business AI Roadmap
6 Steps to Starting Your AI Journey and Staying Competitive

(Without Hiring Data Scientists From Silicon Valley)

5,000+ business leaders helped

Are you ready to grow your business with AI?

Whether you're a business leader in a legacy-driven company...Or you are just tired of seeing AI through a tech lens (or both)...This roadmap has everything you need to start and grow with AI.

Written by Tobias Zwingmann, who...

  • Has trained 500+ business leaders.

  • Authored AI-Powered Business Intelligence, which was published by O'reilly Media and sold 1000+ copies.

  • Spoken at 30+ company engagements.

"I would've easily paid $5,000+ for this roadmap because of how much time and money it just saved my business... I can't believe he's giving it away for free."

Do you want to make sure this free email course is “worth it” before you sign-up?

Here's everything that's inside:

Day 1: Everything You Must Know To Get StartedDay 2: You Don’t Need to Start From ScratchDay 3: Mapping AI CapabilitiesDay 4: Understanding Practical AI ApplicationsDay 5: Prioritizing And Prototyping Your AI SolutionsDay 6:. The Most Critical Step of AllDay 7: BONUS. Common Mistakes Business Leaders Make

Hooray! The first lesson of The Business AI Roadmap is on its way to your inbox.

Within the next minute or two, you're going to get an email from me (Tobias Zwingmann).This email contains instructions to get started with The Business AI Roadmap, so be sure to check it out!But if you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit reply and let me know—I'll be happy to help! :-)Now go and check your inbox!

P.S. If you don't find the email in your inbox in the next couple of minutes, please check your spam folder...Chances are it ended up there.(Since I'm relatively new to sending emails to my list, sometimes the "email algorithms" think I'm a robot! 🤷🏻)